ngram-count-kn-int test on cygwin hangs

Benjamin Reaves b.reaves at
Wed Feb 20 16:12:25 PST 2002

After installing SRILM v1.3, the ngram-count-kn-int test is hanging.  Any
idea why?  All prior tests are finishing successfully (class-ngram disambig
hidden-ngram hidden-ngram-nbest lattice-expansion multi-ngram
ngram-count-abs ngram-count-gt ngram-count-kn) and then ngram-count-kn-int
fails.  I haven't yet run all tests.

Environment is as follows:
  OS: Cygwin, running under Win2000 Professional
  Memory: 512kb
  Hardware: MicronPC TransPort XT2

Ben Reaves                      b.reaves at ieee dot org

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