Cygwin installation notes

Benjamin Reaves b.reaves at
Wed Feb 20 16:17:54 PST 2002

Thank you for supporting Cygwin with SRILM v1.3!  This is a great help for
those of us without easy access to a Unix-based system.  For cygwin
installation, the following additions to the instructions in the INSTALL
file are necessary:

- You must choose to install the following Cygwin components:
   tcsh, tcltk, time
  in addition to the obvious*

- If the file /bin/csh does not exist you must do
    cd /bin ; ln -s csh tcsh
  Same for: ln -s awk gawk

- After installation, your $HOME/.bashrc file should contain:
    export SRILM=/cygdrive/c/srilm13   # or similar
    export MACHINE_TYPE=cygwin
    export PATH=$PATH:$SRILM/bin:$SRILM/cygwin/bin # mentioned in INSTALL
    export MANPATH=$MANPATH:$SRILM/man     # mentioned in INSTALL

Note that I installed Cygwin from Each mirror
site has a slightly different set of Cygwin components that are installed by

* If you have enough demand from users, it would be worth making a list of
components that are necessary for installation. This list would include gcc,
make, bash, tcsh, tcltk, time, and possibly awk, perl, sed, gzip, ...

Ben Reaves                      b.reaves at ieee dot org

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