missing counts

Mirjam Sepesy Maucec mirjam.sepesy at uni-mb.si
Wed Dec 18 04:58:41 PST 2002


I have the following problem.

The n-gram counts are computed from raw text corpus by using
'ngram-count' and  'ngram-merge'.
I experiment with different vocabularies and bigram and trigram models.
In each experiment I run again 'ngram-count -vocab -order' and make the
language model with ' make-big-lm -trust-totals'.
I test language models on my test set and noticed some mistakes. Some
bigrams, which are present in the bigram model get lost in the trigram
model. When I omit the -trust-totals option, the results are OK.
Why should I not trust the totals in my case?  Are the counts of
different orders made by 'ngram-count' and  'ngram-merge' not in line?


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