SRILM 1.3.3 released

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at
Tue Mar 18 12:52:55 PST 2003

In message <3E775BC5.726B1494 at>you wrote:
> Dear Dr Andreas Stolcke,
> I would like to ask you some questions: does SIRLM  support confusion network
> operations ? I mean are there some functions in Lattice Tool / Word Lattice t
> o
> transform the (posterior) lattice to confusion Network ?
> By the way, as I have only read in detail about Lattice Tool (of course not f
> ind
> the above mentioned function), could you please explain for me some words abo
> ut
> the difference between Lattice Tool and Word Lattice in SRILM.
> Best regards


SRILM only supports building confusion networks from N-best lists.
For processing lattices I recommend Lidia Mangu's tool.

The program dealing with confusion networks is "nbest-lattice".

nbest-lattice -use-mesh -nbest L -write N

will produce a confusion network N from nbest list L.  See the man page
for details.


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