Interpolation of word-based and POS-nased ngrams

Robert Wagner nlp at
Tue Jul 20 10:01:10 PDT 2004

Hi Andreas,
 my problem is that I use different data for both models. The
word-based model uses a text consisting of recognized words, POS-based
class model uses a text consistig of recognized words' POS. I have
estimated this model simply by using the ngram-count tool from the
text where words were replaced by their POS tags. 
 POS-based classes are also not typical "simple classes"...

 It would be ideal to gain the interpolation weights by SRILM as well;-)

> In message <200407201526.i6KFQNr4006030 at>you wrote:
> > Hello SRILM users!
> >  Does anybody know if there is an implementation of interpolation
> > weights in SRILM? I have an ordinary word-based ngram and
> > part-of-speech-based ngram and want to interpolate them to create HMM
> > model for disfluency detection (using hidden-ngram tool). Is it
> > possible to do it directly in SRILM?
> By using the options
> 	-lm
> 	-classes
> 	-simple-classes
> 	-lambda
> 	-mix-lm
> with hidden-ngram you can tell it to use an interpolated LM where
> (one or both of) the component models are class-based.
> For details see the man page.
> --Andreas 

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