about the disambig function

zhou hao vancrusoe at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 18 10:55:58 PDT 2005

Dear all,

I have a question here about using the disambig function. I've made the map 
file, and also the lm file. my input is a paragraph of all lowercased 
words, i expect the output to be cased words.

In the console, I can see the output is pretty much I am expecting. 
However, I have tried different options to output this result, all failed. 
the outputs are bigrams, single vocabularies, but i want a paragraph of 

so anyone can help me about this. i mean seems it can output to the 
console, got be some way to output a file.

btw, the corners, full stops are displayed as integer number in the 
console, sort of wierd. 

thanks a lot

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