bug in lattice-tool?

ilya oparin ioparin at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Nov 8 00:28:43 PST 2006


We've possibly found a bug in lattice-tool. Here, in
Brno, we work with th Czech language that has
diacritized letters. So, lattice-tool does everything
well with all the calculations until it comes to
matching of the best path with the reference file to
get number of del, subs and ins - and finally WER. It
appears that if both files are in ISO encoding and
there is a diacritized letter in the reference, it can
be matched to a non-diacritized word in the output,
that is actually a different word. So, the WER goes
down significantly from what really is (and what is
correctly output by HResults in HTK).

best regards,

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