Test failures on RHEL 5

David Brodbeck brodbd at u.washington.edu
Fri Jul 13 15:26:57 PDT 2007

I'm trying to build SRILM 1.5.2 on Redhat Enterprise Linux Server 5.   
The machine type is i686_m64.  Everything builds all right, but the  
tests fail for make-ngram-pfsg, ngram-class, and ngram-count-lm-limit- 

make-ngram-pfsg is the most obvious one, so I'll tackle that one  
first.  I get the following in the stderr file:
gawk: /opt/srilm/bin/i686-m64/add-pauses-to-pfsg:22: fatal: Invalid  
collation character: /[[:lower:]-ÿ]/

Has anyone else run into this?  I'm using GNU Awk 3.1.5, and the  
locale is set to en_US.UTF-8.

David Brodbeck
Information Technology Specialist 3
Computational Linguistics
University of Washington

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