Problem installing SRILM

Christine de Bond bond at
Fri Aug 24 06:47:38 PDT 2007


I am trying to install SRILM on a Suse Linux 10.1 system.
Whenever I type "make World" I get error prompts. (see below)
It seems the libmisc.a is not created, and therefore
ngram, ngram-count, disambig, fngram-count, fngram, hidden-ngram,
mulit-ngram, nbest-lattice, nbest-optimize, ngram-class, anti-ngram,
nbest-mix, nbest-pron-score, ngram-merge, segment, segment-nbest
are not being installed.

I am new to Linux, and new to MT. I tried installing SRILM for weeks,
and I don't know what goes wrong.
(I did change the environment variables and adjusted the gcc, g++, perl,
tcl paths, and I followed the install instructions.)
Does anyone have a clue and can give me a hint? Does someone know where
the libmisc.a file should come from?

With kind regards,
Christine de Bond

make[2]: Entering directory `/home/bond/SMTSystem/srilm/lm/src'
/usr/bin/g++ -mtune=pentium3 -Wreturn-type -Wimplicit
-I/home/bond/ActiveTcl8.4.15.0. -I. -I../../include   -u matherr
-L../../lib/i686  -g -O3 -o ../bin/i686/ngram ../obj/i686/ngram.o
../obj/i686/liboolm.a -lm -ldl ../../lib/i686/libflm.a
../../lib/i686/libdstruct.a ../../lib/i686/libmisc.a
/home/bond/ActiveTcl8.4.15.0./lib/ -lm 2>&1 | c++filt

g++: ../../lib/i686/libmisc.a: No such file or directory

/home/bond/SMTSystem/srilm/sbin/decipher-install 0555 ../bin/i686/ngram
ERROR:  File to be installed (../bin/i686/ngram) does not exist.
ERROR:  File to be installed (../bin/i686/ngram) is not a plain file.
Usage:  decipher-install <mode> <file1> ... <fileN> <directory>
        mode:                 file permission mode, in octal
        file1 ... fileN:      files to be installed
        directory:            where the files should be installed

files =  ../bin/i686/ngram
directory =  ../../bin/i686
mode =  0555

make[2]: [../../bin/i686/ngram] Error 1 (ignored)
touch ../../bin/i686/ngram

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