[SRILM User List] Class-based LM

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu
Thu Jul 21 10:26:37 PDT 2011

You can find some tutorial information on how to use induced-class-based 
LMs at


The basic mistake in your case is that you are trying to feed tag.txt 
instead of corpus.txt
to ngram-class.

replace-word-with-classes is typically used to prepare training data 
once the class definitions exist (either from ngram-class or by hand 


Maral Sh. wrote:
> Dear SRILM users,
> I am trying to train a class-based LM.  I was hoping there is an 
> step-by-step guide for doing this, but I couldn't find any.
> I have to create two different LM. my corpus is POS tagged and one of 
> LMs should be based on POS tags. I should also create an LM based on 
> automatic clustering(I removed the tags and I should perform this 
> automatic clustering on this untagged corpus).
> The format of my tagged corpus is one word per line along with its 
> tag, which are tab-separated.
> I first excluded the tags in a separate text file and performed the 
> following command on it ->
> ./ngram-class -text tag.txt -full -classes output.cls  -class-counts 
> output.counts
> then I tried
> ./replace-word-with-classes classes=output.cls corpus.txt > tag.txt
> in the end the tag.txt file was someting like the corpus.txt file (it 
> was a word -space- tag per line format).
> The thing is I don't know what to do next, and if I have done 
> correctly up to now.
> I appreciate it if anyone can help me ASAP. I have deadlines on Monday.
> Maral
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