[SRILM User List] problem when installing srilm on ubuntu machine

Cyrine NASRI cyrine.nasri at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 11:44:01 PDT 2011

Hello everyone,
I have a problem when installing SRILM on my machine ubuntu 11.04.
I downloaded version 6.0 SRILM and I unpacked
I changed the makefile like this:
SRILM = /users/parole/cnasri/tools/srilm/srilm
MACHINE_TYPE := $(shell $(SRILM)/sbin/machine-type)
RELEASE := $(shell cat RELEASE)

and I did make world,
But it gives me an error message

/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: fatal error: gnu/stubs-32.h: Aucun fichier ou
dossier de ce type
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [../obj/i686/option.o] Erreur 1

Any idea please?

Thank you in advance

Best regards

Ph.D. Student in Computer Science*
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