[SRILM User List] rescoring with fngram and sapare probabilities

Gregor Donaj gregor.donaj at uni-mb.si
Fri Jun 22 02:50:35 PDT 2012


I have two question about the fngram tool. I used it to re-score n-best 
lists of factored sentences. I took a look at the man pages, but I 
couldn't find my answers.
After taking a close look at the probabilities i realized, that the 
score seem already to be weighted by the factor 8. Is the any option to 
change this factor? How about the ngram tool?
Can fngram give also the original language score to output? I mean not 
just to replace the original language score with the re-scored 
probability but to write both in the output file?


Gregor Donaj, univ. dipl. inž. el., univ. dipl. mat.

Laboratorij za digitalno procesiranje signalov
Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko
Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor
Tel.: 02/220 72 05
E-mail: gregor.donaj at uni-mb.si

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