[SRILM User List] Error in compiling SRILM

amin farajian ma.farajian at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 23:40:09 PDT 2012

Hi all,

I recently changed my machine, and I'm now trying to install the latest
version of SRILM on it. I installed all the required tools and libraries
(at least I hope so). but I couldn't finish the installation correctly. I
checked everything that I thought could cause the problem, but I couldn't
find anything.
Some information about my new machine are:

Machine Type: i686 (according to output of this script:
OS: kubuntu 12.04 (output of uname: 36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 10 20:39:51 UTC
2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux)
compiler version (output of "gcc -v"): gcc version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro

I changed the contents of srilm/common/Makefile.machine.i686 as described
in installation instruction:
CC = /usr/bin/gcc $(GCC_FLAGS)
and added this line to the file:
but nothing changed in installation procedure.
I also attached the output of make command. As could be seen in the file,
the first error occurs in line 158:

ERROR:  File to be installed (../bin/i686/maxalloc) does not exist.
Usage:  decipher-install [-p] <mode> <file1> ... <fileN> <directory>
    mode:                 file permission mode, in octal
    file1 ... fileN:      files to be installed
    directory:            where the files should be installed

files =  ../bin/i686/maxalloc
directory =  ../../bin/i686
mode =  0555

May I ask you to help me in this problem?

Thank you in advance.
M. Amin
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