[SRILM User List] linear interpolation of different vocabulary language models

Marta Ruiz martaruizcostajussa at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 18:07:59 PST 2013

Thanks Andreas, two more questions

> 1. Create a word-based version of each model.  For example, you can
> construct a POS-based LM and combine it with a class membership mapping (in
> classes-format, see man page) to get a word-level POS-based model.
> Similar with lemma-based LMs (the lemmas are effectively word classes).
which is the instruction to do this?

> 2. Then interpolate the models using
>     ngram -bayes 0 -lm LM1 -mix-lm LM2 -mix-lm2 LM3 .... -lambda ...
> -mix-lambda2 ... -classes CLASSES
> where CLASSES is a classes-format(5) file defining the union of all the
> word classes used in the various component models.
to find the lambdas can I use the compute-best-mix, can't I?

best regards,

> Andreas

Marta Ruiz Costa-jussà
martaruizcostajussa at gmail.com
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