[SRILM User List] c++ sample for building language model
yasser hifny
yhifny at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 8 12:49:53 PST 2013
Hi Mohsen,
code sample that I use in my work is
// gloable variables
double GetLogWordProb(const std::string& strCurrWord,const vector<std::string>& vstrHistory)
size_t len = 1 + vstrHistory.size()+1;
VocabIndex* WordIDs=new VocabIndex[len];
WordIDs[0] = g_srilm_vocab->getIndex((char*)(strCurrWord.c_str()), g_srilm_vocab->unkIndex());
for(size_t i=0;i<vstrHistory.size();i++)
WordIDs[i+1] = vstrHistory[i]!="<s>"?
g_srilm_vocab->getIndex((char*)(vstrHistory[i].c_str()), g_srilm_vocab->unkIndex()):Vocab_None;
WordIDs[vstrHistory.size()+1] = Vocab_None;
for(size_t k=0; k<len;k++)
DEBUG("k=%d wordindex:%d wordstring:%s",k,WordIDs[k],g_srilm_vocab->getWord(WordIDs[k]));
fResult=g_model->wordProb(WordIDs[0], &WordIDs[1]);
//g_model->sentenceProb(words, stats);
delete[] WordIDs;
return fResult;
//in the main function
// Load LM
g_srilm_vocab= new Vocab;
g_model=new Ngram(*g_srilm_vocab,nOrder);
File file(strLangModelFile.c_str(), "r");
ERROR("Could not open file %s",strLangModelFile.c_str());
g_model->read(file, 0);
for(size_t i=0;i<nOrder;i++)
TRACE("Num of ngram in model order %d:%d",i+1,g_model->numNgrams(i+1));
Best regards,
From: Andreas Stolcke <stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu>
To: Yi Yang <yangyiycc at gmail.com>
Cc: SRILM-User at speech.sri.com
Sent: Friday, March 8, 2013 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [SRILM User List] c++ sample for building language model
On 3/8/2013 8:06 AM, Yi Yang wrote:
Hi Mohsen,
>Hope the following codes can be helpful:
you forgot to create the Vocab object. In your case you could create it globally to your code works otherwise:
Vocab vocab;
>void SrilmTest::srilm_init(const char* fname, int order) {
> File file(fname, "r", 0);
> assert(file);
ngram = new Ngram(vocab, order);
> ngram->read(file, false);
> cerr << "Done\n";
>int SrilmTest::srilm_getvoc(const char* word) {
> return vocab.getIndex((VocabString)word);
>float SrilmTest::srilm_wordprob(int w, int* context) {
> return (float)ngram->wordProb(w, (VocabIndex*)context);
>On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 3:23 PM, mohsen jadidi <mohsen.jadidi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>I need to use srilm in my c++ code to build ML. all the examples and slides in the internet explained it using ngram-count command not code. I know should use <Ngram.h> <Vocab.h>. can you point me to a starting point?
>>SRILM-User site list
>>SRILM-User at speech.sri.com
>Yi Yang
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