[SRILM User List] Correct format for nbest files

E otheremailid at aol.com
Tue Apr 23 23:57:56 PDT 2013


I am confused about the correct format of nbest files (http://www.speech.sri.com/projects/srilm/manpages/nbest-format.5.html).

I created a dummy nbest file called "nbesthyp". The reference file is called "ref"

$ cat nbesthyp 
nbesthyp w1 w2 w3
nbesthyp w3 w2 w3
nbesthyp w1 w4 w3

$ cat ref
nbesthyp w2 w3 w4

With above files, I get below error when computing nbest-error

$ ./nbest-error nbesthyp ref
no reference for NBestList1.0
bad Decipher score: nbesthyp
nbesthyp: line 2: bad n-best hyp
format error in nbest list

If I change "nbesthyp" like below - 

$ cat nbesthyp 
(100) w1 w2 w3
(10) w3 w2 w3
(2) w1 w4 w3

I get below error

$ ./nbest-error nbesthyp ref
no reference for NBestList1.0
no reference for 100
no reference for 10
no reference for 2

Please let me know what is the correct format of nbest files.

Thank you very much.

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