[SRILM User List] Cannot find SRILM's library

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu
Mon Apr 29 11:28:30 PDT 2013

On 4/29/2013 4:08 AM, arefeh kazemi wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I want to install Moses on ubuntu 10.04 , i686.
> but it gets the following error:
> checking for trigram_init in -loolm... no
> configure: error: Cannot find SRILM's library in 
> /opt/tools/srilm//lib/i686
> these files are in /opt/tools/srilm//lib/i686:
> libdstruct.a  libflm.a  liblattice.a libmisc.a  libool
>  do you have any sugesstion to fix this problem?
The libraries might be empty.  Did you build SRILM yourself?   If so run 
the "make test"  step to ensure everything was built correctly.

% nm $SRILM/lib/i686/liboolm.a | grep trigram_init

should output a line with "trigram_init" .  If that is the case the 
configure test might still fail because of some compiler or linker 
problem on your system.


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