[SRILM User List] lattice-tool with HTK lattice with probabilities

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu
Tue May 14 12:12:12 PDT 2013

On 5/12/2013 5:06 AM, tarek abuamer wrote:
> I want to use lattice-tool to rescore HTK format lattices. I need HTK 
> lattices to contain probabilities in the form : J=1 S=4 E=2 l=-1.1
> J=2 S=4 E=3 l=-0.4
> However, this seems not to have any effect when using lattice-tool.
> Any  clue?

You don't say what you tried that didn't work.     If you invoke

      lattice-tool -in-lattice INPUTLATTICE -read-htk -lm LMFILE -order 
N -out-lattice OUTPUTLATTICE -write-htk

the OUTPUTLATTICE will contain recomputed LM probabilities in the form 
you describe, assuming the input lattice is also in HTK format.


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