[SRILM User List] class based language model s

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu
Tue Dec 3 14:48:57 PST 2013

On 12/3/2013 12:50 PM, Laatar Rim wrote:
> in the class format:
> /class/  [/p/]/word1/  /word2/  ...
> how can i calculate p ?

Use replace-words-with-classes with the outfile=  option.   This is 
explained in a previous post 


> Le Mardi 3 décembre 2013 18h18, Andreas Stolcke 
> <stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu> a écrit :
> On 12/3/2013 1:35 AM, Laatar Rim wrote:
>> hello,
>> on the internet I found this:
>>  to build and use a simple class language model:
>> Induce classes:
>> ngram-class -vocab vocab_file \
>>              -text input_file \
>>              -numclasses num \
>>              -class-counts output.class-counts \
>>              -classes output.classes
>> in this exemple we need only number of class, how can i use corpus of class ???
> The steps for building a class-based LM are:
> 1. prepare class definition file in the format described in the
>    classes-format(5) manual page.  this can be done by hand or from other
>    knowledge sources, or automatically using word clustering algorithms
>    (see ngram-class(1)).
> 2. condition the training data or counts to replace words with class 
> labels,
>    using the "replace-words-with-classes" filter (see training-scripts(1)
>    man page).
> 3. run ngram-count on the result of step 2.
> Andreas

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