[SRILM User List] Right way to build LM

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu
Tue Apr 29 23:39:04 PDT 2014

On 4/28/2014 7:38 PM, Ismail Rusli wrote:
> Thanks for the answer, Andreas.
> As i read paper by
> Chen and Goodman (1999), they used held-out data
> to optimize parameters in language model. How do i
> do this in SRILM? Does SRILM optimize parameters
> when i use -kndiscount?
SRILM just uses the formulas for estimating the discounts from the 
count-of-counts, i.e., equations (26) in the Chen & Goodman technical 

> I tried -kn to save
> parameters in a file and included this file
> when building LM but it turned out
> my perplexity is getting bigger.
You can save the discounting parameters using:

1)      ngram-count -read COUNTS -kndiscount -kn1 K1 -kn2 K2 -kn3 K3
(no -lm argument!)

Then you can read them back in for LM estimation using

2)    ngram-count -read COUNTS -kndiscount -kn1 K1 -kn2 K2 -kn3 K3 -lm LM

and the result will be identical to the second command when run without 
-kn1/2/3 options.

Now, if you want you can manipulate the discounting parameters before 
invoking command 2.
For example, you could perform a search over the D1, D2, D3 parameters 
optimizing perplexity on a held-out set, just like C&G did.  But you 
have to implement that search yourself by writing some wrapper scripts.

Also consider the interpolated version of KN smoothing.   Just add the 
ngram-count -interpolate option, it usually gives slightly better results.
> And just one more,
> do you have a link to good tutorial in using
> class-based models with SRILM?
There is a basic tutorial at 
http://ssli.ee.washington.edu/ssli/people/sarahs/srilm.html .


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