[SRILM User List] stdin and disambig tool

kamel nebhi k.nebhi at sheffield.ac.uk
Wed Jun 11 06:00:19 PDT 2014


I'm trying to use the disambig tool but instead of having a file as an
argument, i need to send string to STDIN. I try this but it doesn't work:

*cat <<< "hello" | disambig -lm
/Users/home/Truecaser_Joshua/model/lm/training.5gram.europarl.lm -keep-unk
-order 5 -map /Users/**home**/Truecaser_Joshua/model/lm/true-case.map *

*echo "hello" | disambig -lm
/Users/home/Truecaser_Joshua/model/lm/training.5gram.europarl.lm -keep-unk
-order 5 -map /Users/home/Truecaser_Joshua/model/lm/true-case.map*

How can i do  ?



Kamel NebhiVisiting Academics - PhD studentRoom G35Department of
Computer Science
University of Sheffield
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