[SRILM User List] [External Sender] A modified count = 0

Anna Bulusheva bulusheva at speechpro.com
Fri Jan 11 07:23:52 PST 2019


I try to estimate a LM with modified Kneser-Ney discounting (without 
"-interpolate") and I cut my vocabulary by removing words with count < 
3. In my list of n-grams I have a n-gram "w1 w2", but I don't have any 
n-grams "* w1 w2". It means that a modified count of "w1 w2" = 0. So I 
don't understand how I must calculate prob("w1 w2"). Could you help me, 

P.S. The order of my LM is 3 and if I use SRILM to estimate this LM then 
there is n-gram "w1 w2" with some probability.

Thank you,

Anna Bulusheva

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