Smoothing Error

Partha Talukdar partha.talukdar at
Sat Oct 16 21:14:35 PDT 2004


I am new to SRILM. While trying to build a language model, I am
getting the follwoing error:

> one of required modified KneserNey count-of-counts is zero
> error in discount estimator for order 1

I used the following command to build the model:

../../tools/SRILM/bin/i686/ngram-count -order 4 -text temp.txt
-kndiscount -kndiscount1 -kndiscount2 -kndiscount3 -kndiscount4
-interpolate -interpolate1 -interpolate2 -interpolate3 -interpolate4
-lm temp.lm  -gt1min 0 -gt2min 0 -gt3min 0 -gt4min 0 -debug 1

Output was:

temp.txt: line 50000: 50000 sentences, 6348678 words, 0 OOVs
0 zeroprobs, logprob= 0 ppl= 1 ppl1= 1
modifying 1-gram counts for Kneser-Ney smoothing
Kneser-Ney smoothing 1-grams
n1 = 3
n2 = 0
n3 = 1
n4 = 0
one of required modified KneserNey count-of-counts is zero
error in discount estimator for order 1

Any thoughts on this ??

Thanks in advance

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