Error in discount estimator

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at
Thu Mar 15 11:26:10 PDT 2007

Antoine Ghaoui wrote:
> Hello,
> When using fngram-count to generate a Language Model, i'm getting the 
> following error:
> warning: one of required modified KneserNey count-of-count is zero
> error in discount estimator
> Can someone help?
> knowing that the factor file is

This is a problem with the frequency distribution of factors in your data.
You probably have no singleton ngrams for some factor-ngram.  Try using 
a discounting method like wbdiscount
instead of kndiscount.


> ## root trigram
> 1
> R : 2 R(-1) R(-2) ntextfile_99.flm.cnt ntextfile_99.flm.lm 3
> R1R2    R2      kndiscount gtmin 1 interpolate
> R1      R1      kndiscount gtmin 1 interpolate
> 0       0       kndiscount gtmin 1
> Thanks
> Antoine

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