Andreas Stolcke stolcke at
Thu Apr 12 22:46:09 PDT 2007

milu philip wrote:
> Sir,
> I am a student of Amrita Vishwa Vidyappethom doing my Mtech in the 
> field of computational engineering and networking. I am doing a 
> project by name Languag eIdentification Using Statistical 
> Approaches.The techniques used are PRLM and PPRLM. The softwares being 
> used are phone recogniser and SRILM. SRILM is used for language 
> modelling and phone recogniser is used for creation of phones from a 
> speech sample.
> After the phones are obtained , it is given as input to SRILM for 
> language modelling.Once the training language models are obtained, the 
> phone sof the  testing language is given. My doubt is that when the 
> command
>         ngram -ppl TEST.text -lm TRAINING.lm
> of SRILM is given, we get perplexity along with a logprob value. Is it 
> the phone sequence of the testing language which is mentioned as 
> "TEST.text" in the above mentioned command or can we create language 
> model for the test sequence and then give it as

-ppl expects a text file containing test data.  One sentence per line.
>         ngram -ppl TEST.lm -lm TRAINING.lm
> In both the cases the logprob values are different.
the second command would produce garbage, as the LM file would be 
interpreted as test data.


> Is there any other command in SRILM, which can be used to obtain the 
> probability that a trained language model produces a particular test 
> sequence?
> Please help me out by clarifying this doubt.
>                                Thanking you,
> Milu.         
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