command line for make-big-lm

Alexy Khrabrov deliverable at
Sun Jun 1 15:21:29 PDT 2008

I'm studying training-scripts to estimate a big LM for modified Kneser- 
Ney.  Will this do the job:

  make-big-lm -name my-kn-model -read my.counts.gz -max-per-file  
10000000 -kndiscount 5

-- is -kndiscount all what's needed to trigger KN estimation?  And the  
number is the maximum order N, i.e. we don't need to repeat it from 1  
up to N, like -kndiscount 1, -kndiscount 2, ...?

-- also, how do I estimate -max-per-file for 16 GB RAM and 5-grams?


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