[SRILM User List] Commands not found

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu
Tue Oct 23 09:52:47 PDT 2012

On 10/23/2012 12:33 AM, Don Erick Bonus wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I'm new to SRILM and I do have SRILM installed in an Ubuntu machine.  
> Based on what I got from the Internet, make World and make Test did 
> work by displaying a lot of information.  However, when I try to run 
> commands which are in the bin/i686 folder for testing, I always 
> encounter the COMMAND NOT FOUND message.  As I try to run man in 
> displaying the manual for the commands it says "No manual entry ...". 
> I've been searching the Internet for solutions and can't find one.
> Please help me on this one... I need to do a statistical-based spell 
> and grammar checker for Tagalog as a project.  You may suggest steps 
> on how I can do this also since I'm also new to statistical-based NLP.
> Your help will be highly appreaciated.  Thanks.
>  Erick

Try invoking ./bin/i686/ngram -version.   Assuming that works, the only 
problem is that your shell's executable search path is not set to 
include $SRILM/bin and $SRILM/bin/i686 .   This is item 6 in the INSTALL 
instructions.   Please consult a local Linux/Unix expert if needed.


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