[SRILM User List] c++ sample for building language model

yasser hifny yhifny at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 10 06:09:20 PDT 2013

Dear Mohsen,
I do not understand your question. perhaps, the group members can help.

best regards,

 From: mohsen jadidi <mohsen.jadidi at gmail.com>
To: yasser hifny <yhifny at yahoo.com> 
Cc: "SRILM-User at speech.sri.com" <SRILM-User at speech.sri.com> 
Sent: Friday, March 8, 2013 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: [SRILM User List] c++ sample for building language model

Thanks for your reply. Very helpful. But don't we need to use ssIndex and seIndex to build lexicon language model  and then use it for next step? 

On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 9:49 PM, yasser hifny <yhifny at yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi Mohsen,
>code sample  that I use in my work is
>// gloable variables
>double GetLogWordProb(const std::string& strCurrWord,const vector<std::string>& vstrHistory)
>size_t len = 1 + vstrHistory.size()+1;
>VocabIndex* WordIDs=new VocabIndex[len];
>WordIDs[0] = g_srilm_vocab->getIndex((char*)(strCurrWord.c_str()), g_srilm_vocab->unkIndex());
>for(size_t i=0;i<vstrHistory.size();i++)
>WordIDs[i+1] = vstrHistory[i]!="<s>"?
>g_srilm_vocab->getIndex((char*)(vstrHistory[i].c_str()), g_srilm_vocab->unkIndex()):Vocab_None;
>WordIDs[vstrHistory.size()+1] = Vocab_None;
>for(size_t k=0; k<len;k++)
>DEBUG("k=%d wordindex:%d wordstring:%s",k,WordIDs[k],g_srilm_vocab->getWord(WordIDs[k]));
>fResult=g_model->wordProb(WordIDs[0], &WordIDs[1]);
>//g_model->sentenceProb(words, stats);
>delete[] WordIDs;
>return fResult;
>//in the  main function
>// Load LM
>g_srilm_vocab= new Vocab;
>g_model=new Ngram(*g_srilm_vocab,nOrder);
>File file(strLangModelFile.c_str(), "r");
>ERROR("Could not open file %s",strLangModelFile.c_str());
>g_model->read(file, 0);
>for(size_t i=0;i<nOrder;i++)
>TRACE("Num of ngram in model order %d:%d",i+1,g_model->numNgrams(i+1));
>Best regards,
> From: Andreas Stolcke <stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu>
>To: Yi Yang <yangyiycc at gmail.com> 
>Cc: SRILM-User at speech.sri.com 
>Sent: Friday, March 8, 2013 10:37 PM
>Subject: Re: [SRILM User List] c++ sample for building language model
>On 3/8/2013 8:06 AM, Yi Yang wrote:
>Hi Mohsen, 
>>Hope the following codes can be helpful:
you forgot to create the Vocab object.  In your case you could create it globally to your code works otherwise:
>Vocab vocab;
>>void SrilmTest::srilm_init(const char* fname, int order) {
>>  File file(fname, "r", 0);
>>  assert(file);
>  ngram = new Ngram(vocab, order);
>>  ngram->read(file, false);
>>  cerr << "Done\n";
>>int SrilmTest::srilm_getvoc(const char* word) {
>>  return vocab.getIndex((VocabString)word);
>>float SrilmTest::srilm_wordprob(int w, int* context) {
>>  return (float)ngram->wordProb(w, (VocabIndex*)context);
>>On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 3:23 PM, mohsen jadidi <mohsen.jadidi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>I need to use srilm in my c++ code to build ML. all the examples and slides in the internet explained it using ngram-count command not code. I know should use <Ngram.h> <Vocab.h>. can you point me to a starting point?
>>>SRILM-User site list
>>>SRILM-User at speech.sri.com
>>Yi Yang
SRILM-User site list SRILM-User at speech.sri.com http://www.speech.sri.com/mailman/listinfo/srilm-user
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Mohsen Jadidi
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