[SRILM User List] Correct format for nbest files

E otheremailid at aol.com
Wed Apr 24 00:35:21 PDT 2013

Please don't bother. I realized that I was sending wrong files to ./nbest-error.

I should send a list of nbest files and not the nbest file itself. 

$ cat list

$ cat ref
nbesthyp w1 w2 w3

$ cat nbesthyp
(100) w1 w5 w3
(10) w3 w2 w3
(2) w1 w4 w3

$ ./nbest-error list ref -wer
nbesthyp 1 sub 1 ins 0 del 0 words 3
1 sentences, 3 words, 1 errors (33.33%)

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