[SRILM User List] SRILM command in Matlab

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu
Thu Jun 13 10:54:05 PDT 2013

On 6/12/2013 4:02 PM, Md. Akmal Haidar wrote:
> c:\cygwin\srilm\bin\cygwin\ngram -lm LM -ppl test.txt -debug 2

system('c:\cygwin\srilm\bin\cygwin\ngram -lm LM -ppl test.txt -debug 2 > 

should work.  You can then read the pploutput file.   Since the output 
is not in a format that's very amenable to matlab you might want to 
write a filter script that reformats the output in a way that can be 
loaded more easily, e.g., as a matrix.   Let's say that script is called 
'format-ppl' then you would run something like

system('c:\cygwin\srilm\bin\cygwin\ngram -lm LM -ppl test.txt -debug 2 | 
reformat-ppl  > pploutput');


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