[SRILM User List] class-based model

Laatar Rim rimlaatar at yahoo.fr
Tue Dec 10 22:20:26 PST 2013

Dear Andreas,
First i'm so sorry for disturbing you, 

from many day I want to train a class-based model ,So I use (1), (2) and (3) to create the class model. 

(1)  ngram-class -vocab '/home/hp/Documents/SRILM/tata.txt' -text '/home/hp/Documents/SRILM/trainingData.txt' -numclasses 37 -class-counts output.class-counts -classes '/home/hp/Documents/SRILM/Replace_word_with_class_SRILM' 

(2)   replace-words-with-classes  classes='/home/hp/Documents/SRILM/Replace_word_with_class_SRILM' '/home/hp/Documents/SRILM/trainingData.txt' > output_text_with_classes_2

(3) ngram-count -tolower -text '/home/hp/Documents/SRILM/trainingData.txt' -lm class_based_model_2

	* tata.txt : a list of all the words in the vocabulary 

	* trainingData.txt : my training data

	* Replace_word_with_class: my file class definition ( format like this :name class p word1 word2 ...)

                            [Quantite 0.21 هَاكَهُو كِيلُو  شْوَيَّةْ أَكَهَوْ بَرْكْ كَهَوْ شْوَيَّةْ نِصْفْ بَرْشَةْ يَاسِرْ تِكْهَوْ بَرْكَةْ كَهُو كْهَوْ شْطَرْ لْكُلُّو
                            [Promotion 0.245 اِنْخِفَاضْ اِنْخِفَاضْ رِدَكْسْيُونْ يْرَخّْصُو بِالرُومِيزْ رُومِيزْ تَخْفِيضْ الپْرُومُسْيُونْ پْرُومُسْيُونْ

The result:  class_based_model_2 is like this : 

-2.44486	آ	-0.1822249
-4.447026	آتِدْيُونْ	-0.0797594
-4.447026	آتِيدْيُونْ	-0.282028
-3.075958	آخِرْ	-0.3957056
-4.748056	آرَى	-0.1852052
-4.748056	آسْ	-0.07981876
-4.748056	آسْكُ	-0.1853914
-4.447026	آسْكُو	-0.1845916

i want to know if this commands and the result are true , and why in myclass_based_model_2 it found only the world and not a class ??

Please help me !!

Thanks A Lot ..

Ingénieur  Informatique, de l'École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sfax(ENIS)
Étudiante en mastère de recherche, Système d'Information & Nouvelles Technologies à laFSEGS --Option TALN
Tel: (+216) 99 64 74 98 
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