[SRILM User List] turning off smoothing

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at speech.sri.com
Wed Nov 25 23:22:50 PST 2009

Dmitriy Dligach wrote:
> Dear SRILM users,
> Is there a way to disable smoothing in SRILM? I looked at this mailing 
> list's archive and it sounds like the -gtnmax may do the job. If that 
> is the only way to do it, could you please confirm that something like 
> this:
> ngram-count -text corpus.txt -lm corpus.lm -order 3 -gt1max 0 -gt2max 
> 0 -gt3max 0
> disables smoothing?
Indeed this will effectively disable smoothing. But there are many ways 
to obtain maximum likelihood (non-smoothed) probability estimates, since 
several discounting methods have parameters that can be set so as to 
effectively disable discounting:

ngram-count -cdiscount 0
ngram-count -addsmooth 0


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