[SRILM User List] Option for i-distant bigram

Sneha Ann Mathew snehaannmathew at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 23:02:56 PDT 2010

Yes the probabilities need to be position-dependent.
Thank you

On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 7:07 PM, Andreas Stolcke <stolcke at speech.sri.com>wrote:

> On 3/15/2010 1:51 AM, Sneha Ann Mathew wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Is there any option in SRI LM for creating a LM based on i-distant
>> bigrams.This is to include the context of i neighbouring words but
>> considering the bigram combination as follows:
>> p(Wn|Wn-4,.....Wn-1)=sum of [Li * p(Wn|Wn-i)] where i varies from 1 to 5
>> [for my case]
>> Sum of Li should be 1
> Are the p(.|.) position-specific, or shared?
> Either way, no, this is not implemented in SRILM.  But it would be quite
> straightforward to do so.  Here is your chance to contribute!
> Andreas
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