[SRILM User List] sausage edges merging

Tim Kempton acp06tk at sheffield.ac.uk
Wed May 26 09:16:02 PDT 2010



I'm trying to prevent the merging of sausage (i.e. confusion network) edges.
I thought the option "-no-merge" might work e.g. I was hoping to see two
edges labelled "hello" in the following sausage but there is just one:


-bash-3.2$ echo -e "-5 -1 2 hello world\n-5 -2 2 hello mould" |nbest-lattice
-use-mesh -nbest - -write - -no-merge


hello world

name -

numaligns 2

posterior 1

align 0 hello 1

align 1 world 0.909091 mould 0.0909091


I get the same result whether I use the "-no-merge" option or not. Maybe
I've got the wrong end of the stick and this option is for something else. I
am using SRILM version 1.5.8, but I don't believe there's been any relevant
changes to nbest-lattice since then.


The reason I want to do this is to preserve timing information from an
NBestList2.0 list; when the edges get merged there is also a loss of
backtrace information (when using -nbest-backtrace).




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