[SRILM User List] SRILM bigram VS HTK bigram

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu
Wed Jun 15 11:07:12 PDT 2011

Mehdi hoseini wrote:
> hi
> I made a bigram language model on a small document with both HTK 
> toolkit and SRILM toolkit.
> but unfortunately their accuracy in HTK based ASR are so different. I 
> mean SRILM bigram has 10 percent accuracy lower than one with HTK.
> Can you help me where is my mistake?
> Here is my command for build bigram in SRILM:
>     ngram-count -text sentences.txt -order 2 -wbdiscount 1 -wbdiscount 
> 2 -lm bigram.txt
>     sentences.txt has 405 sentences.
> I build my acoustic model based on left to right HMMs with 2 Gaussian 
> mixture for triphones using HTK.
> Someone said sentences.txt and i build my model on that.
It is likely that HTK requires some mapping of vocabulary items for 
begin/end of sentence.
Also, are you sure that the smoothing method used by the HTK LM tools 
are the same as you did with SRILM?

I don't really have experience building LMs for HTK, so you should 
inquire on the HTK user forum about this.  I know there are plenty of 
people using SRILM in conjunction with HTK.


> Best Regards

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