[SRILM User List] Predicting specified words

Kutlak Roman kutlak.roman at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 01:34:08 PST 2012

Hi guys, I am not an expert on language modelling but here is a thought:

The library contains classes LM and Vocab where Vocab is the vocabulary used with the current language model. Maybe you could iterate through the words in the vocabulary, pick the ones that start with the letter you have and ask the LM to tell you which word gives you the highest probability given the context. 


On 9 Feb 2012, at 05:44, Andreas Stolcke wrote:

> On 2/5/2012 8:14 PM, zeinab vakil wrote:
>> Dear All
>> hi,
>> I newly getting to know SRILM and have a question.
>> Is it possible to use SRILM to predict a word that starts with certain character. for example sentence is "i go to h...", and we want what word has highest probability P("i go to"|w) or even P("to"|w) and starts by 'h'.
>> please guide me.
>> Best Regards,
>> zeinab vakil.
> Boy, there seems to be a lot of interest lately in this sort of prediction problem (see previous posts on this list).
> No, there is no ready-made solution for this in SRILM. I would probably try to build a mixed word/letter ngram LM, estimating probabilities
> p(next-letter | word-2, word-3, letter-1, letter-2, letter-3, ...) .
> Andreas
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