[SRILM User List] Confidence Measure

Pranav Jawale pranavshriram at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 20:59:34 PDT 2012

> Or should I have to calculate the confidence measure?
Word posterior probability computed using confusion network itself IS a
confidence measure.   But it is not the only one, there are many others
e.g. see
[] H Jiang, “Confidence measures for speech recognition: A survey”, Speech
Communication, 2005
[] F. Wessel, R. Schlüter, K. Macherey and H. Ney, “Confidence measures for
large vocabulary continuous speech recognition”, IEEE Transactions on
Speech and Audio Processing , 2001

For pronunciation evaluation at phone-level, you may need to compute phone
posterior probability using a phone decoder.

The best way to get something done is to begin.  ~Author Unknown
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