[SRILM User List] nbest rescoring for LM with different smoothing

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu
Tue Nov 6 09:54:38 PST 2012

On 11/6/2012 6:50 AM, Md. Akmal Haidar wrote:
> Hi,
> I have found the same WER scoring result using the LM with two 
> different smoothing (additive/Witten-Bell).
> First I have created the HTK lattice using the LM. Then, I used the 
> lattice-tool to find the nbest-list.
> How the the two LM trained on the same text with different smoothing 
> give the same WER result?
> Thanks
> Best Regards
> Akmal
Do the LM probabilities differ in the details?  (Compare the rescored 
nbest lists.)

If so then it could just be that your data is such that the smoothing 
method by itself does not make enough of a difference to change the top 
hypothesis choice.


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