[SRILM User List] SRILM trigram worse than HTK bigram?
Dmytro Prylipko
dmytro.prylipko at ovgu.de
Sun Nov 25 08:51:03 PST 2012
1. Output is identical. Thus, LM scale factor does not play a decisive
role. Conversion to MLF from CTM is fine too.
2. I built a bigram in ARPA format with HTK (using HLStats). Here after
rescoring and decoding I have got the same recognition result as for LM
built with SRILM: I tried to change the LM scale factor from 10 to 8
(the lattice was obtained with LM scale factor 8), but it gave no
Thus, the changes are introduced when rescoring.
I suggested the reason is the difference between start/end sentence
markers. For HTK they are !ENTER and !EXIT respectively, and for SRILM:
<s> and </s>. I do take it into account: I replace !ENTER and !EXIT
with <s> and </s> in the lattice file.
SRILM models are trained on the data, where <s> and </s> denote the
Also, I replaced these markers in the language model built with HTK in
order to let it process the existing lattice correctly.
However, when I tried to play around with those markers, it gave no
Namely, I tried to use the HTK format only: the lattice generated and
the language model use !ENTER and !EXIT. Unfortunately, the output was
the same.
Do you have any further suggestions?
On Fri 23 Nov 2012 07:12:50 PM CET, Andreas Stolcke wrote:
> You need to run a few sanity checks to make sure things are working as
> you expect them to.
> 1. Decode 1-best from the HTK lattice WITHOUT rescoring. The results
> should be the same as from the HTK decoder. If not there might be a
> difference in the LM scaling factor, and you may have to adjust is via
> the command line option. There might also be issues with the CTM
> output and conversion back to MLF.
> 2. Rescore the lattices with the same LM that is used in the HTK
> decoder. Again, the results should be essentially identical.
> I'm not familiar with the bigram format used by HTK, but you may have
> to convert it to ARPA format.
> 3. Then try rescoring with a trigram.
> Approaching your goal in steps hopefully will help you pinpoint the
> problem(s).
> Andreas
> On 11/22/2012 5:06 AM, Dmytro Prylipko wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I found that the accuracy of the recognition results obtained with
>> HVite is about 5% better with comparison to the hypothesis got after
>> rescoring the lattices with lattice-tool.
>> HVite do not really use an N-gram, it is a word net, but I cannot
>> really figure out why does it work so much better than SRILM models.
>> I use the following script to generate lattices (60-best):
>> HVite -A -T 1 \
>> -C GENLATTICES.conf \
>> -n 20 60 \
>> -l outLatDir \
>> -z lat \
>> -H hmmDefs \
>> -S test.list \
>> -i out.bigram.HLStats.mlf \
>> -w bigram.HLStats.lat \
>> -p 0.0 \
>> -s 8.0 \
>> lexicon \
>> hmm.mono.list
>> Which are then rescored with:
>> lattice-tool \
>> -read-htk \
>> -write-htk \
>> -htk-lmscale 10.0 \
>> -htk-words-on-nodes \
>> -order 3 \
>> -in-lattice-list srclat.list \
>> -out-lattice-dir rescoredLatDir \
>> -lm trigram.SRILM.lm \
>> -overwrite
>> find rescoredLatDir -name "*.lat" > rescoredLat.list
>> lattice-tool \
>> -read-htk \
>> -write-htk \
>> -htk-lmscale 10.0 \
>> -htk-words-on-nodes \
>> -order 3 \
>> -in-lattice-list rescoredLat.list\
>> -viterbi-decode \
>> -output-ctm | ctm2mlf_r > out.trigram.SRILM.mlf
>> Decoded with HVite (92.86%):
>> LAB: <A> wie sieht es aus mit einem weiteren zweitaegigen mit einer
>> weiteren zweitaegigen arbeitssitzu
>> REC: <A> wie sieht es aus mit einem weiteren zweitaegigen in einer
>> weiteren zweitaegigen arbeitssitzu
>> ... and with lattice-tool (64.29%):
>> LAB: <A> wie sieht es aus mit einem weiteren zweitaegigen mit einer
>> weiteren zweitaegigen arbeitssitzu
>> REC: <A> wie sieht es aus mit einen weiteren zweitaegigen dann bei
>> einem zweitaegigen arbeitssitzung
>> Corresponding word nets and LMs have been built using the same
>> vocabulary and training data. I should say that for some sentences
>> SRILM outperforms HTK, but in general it is roughly 5-7% behind.
>> Could you please suggest why is it so? Maybe some parameter values
>> are wrong?
>> Or should it be like this?
>> I would be greatly appreciated for help.
>> Yours,
>> Dmytro Prylipko.
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