[SRILM User List] [External Sender] Renormalising probabilities to 1
Van der Merwe, W, Mnr [20076223@sun.ac.za]
20076223 at sun.ac.za
Sat Aug 24 14:31:37 PDT 2019
I am a student at Stellenbosch University currently using the SRILM toolkit for one of my projects. I would like to know if the toolkit is able to renormalize the probabilities, given an ARPA file, so that they sum to 1. I've read the documentation and am aware of the -renorm parameter option, however, I am not seeking to renormalize backoff weights, only the probabilities.
The reason I ask this is that I am writing an ARPA file myself, taking probabilities produced by a neural network. Because these probabilities are estimated by a neural net, they tend not to sum not 1 perfectly. I am hoping that SRILM can correct this. Otherwise, I will have to write a script to brute force it.
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