[SRILM User List] classes-format question + followup question

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu
Thu Apr 28 09:23:46 PDT 2011

Chong Tze Yuang wrote:
> Hi,
> Shouldn't we worry about expanding the class-LM into word-LM will make a extremely large LM? This is due to a class-LM comprises almost all possible n-gram combination. We might have another practical issue the decoder might not have enough memory for this large LM.
You should be concerned, that's why I wrote "if feasible" in my email.   
It's not a solution for large LMs.


> Best,
> Chong
> -----Original Message-----
> From: srilm-user-bounces at speech.sri.com [mailto:srilm-user-bounces at speech.sri.com] On Behalf Of Andreas Stolcke
> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 2:51 AM
> To: Fabian -
> Cc: srilm-user
> Subject: Re: [SRILM User List] classes-format question + followup question
> Fabian - wrote:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> thank you again for the quick answer. Unfortunately didn't make myself
>> clear. I really want to interpolate one class LM and one word LM.
>> Where the classes are part-of-speech tags. So the question is, again,
>> why is static interpolation not correct/possible?
> Although the class LM mechanism in SRILM can handle ngrams over a mix of
> words and classes, empirically it does not work well to merge
> (statically interpolate) models where one is a purely word-based and the
> other is a class-based ngram LM.   This is because ngram -mix-lm WITHOUT
> the -bayes 0 option does not just implement the standard interpolation
> of probability estimates, it also merges the ngrams used for backoff
> computation (this is explained in the 2002 Interspeech paper). This
> works fine, and usually improves the results when combining models of
> the same type, but merging a lower-order ngram with a lower-order
> class-based LM gives weird results because the class expansions is not
> applied at the backoff  level when performing the merge.
> For this reason, the ngram man page says (see the last sentence):
>        -mix-lm file
>               Read a second N-gram model for interpolation purposes.
> The second and any additional interpolated
>               models can also be class N-grams (using the same -classes
> definitions),  but  are  otherwise  con-
>               strained  to  be standard N-grams, i.e., the options -df,
> -tagged, -skip, and -hidden-vocab do not
>               apply to them.
>               NOTE: Unless -bayes (see below) is specified, -mix-lm
> triggers a static interpolation of the  mod-
>               els  in memory.  In most cases a more efficient, dynamic
> interpolation is sufficient, requested by
>               -bayes 0.  Also, mixing models of different type (e.g.,
> word-based and class-based) will only work
>               correctly with dynamic interpolation.
> So you might just have to re-engineer your application to accept true
> interpolated LMs, or, if its feasible, convert the class-LM into a
> word-based LM with  ngram -expand-classes BEFORE doing the merging of
> models.   Sorry.
> Andreas
>>>> thank you again for the quick help!
>>>> I added the smoothing and the PPL dropped to 720 which is a bit
>>>> better, but still above the range ~500 which would "feel" correct.
>>>> Anyways,...
>>> You might want to verify that your probabilities are normalized
>>> correctly. Try ngram -debug 3 -ppl .
>> Well, it seems that the probabilities are not properly normalized ->
>> there are many warnings:
>> for example:
>> warning: word probs for this context sum to 2.48076 != 1 : ...
>>>> ...I have another question:
>>>> why can't i use the static interpolation for interpolating one class
>>>> LMs and word LM? I use a class-based (from ngram-count) or one
>>>> class-based with my own tags with the word-based LM. In the
>>>> documentation it only says -mix-lm with static interpolation won't
>>>> work correct?
>>> I didn't realize you want to interpolate two class-based LMs. That
>>> should work, you just need to keep the class labels distinct, nad
>>> combine the class definition files in to one file.
>>>> I want to build interpolated LMs (with -write-lm) to use them in my
>>>> ASR, so far I simply used the static interpolation, which seems to
>>>> work more or less OK.
>>> You should be able to ngram -mix-lm -write-lm with two class-based LMs
>>> but WITHOUT using the -classes option when doing so.
>>> If you include the -classes it will be appended to the LM file.
>> Fabian
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