[SRILM User List] lattice-tool error while loading mesh

Long Qin lqin at cs.cmu.edu
Wed Jul 11 15:15:11 PDT 2012


I tried to load a confusion network in the mesh format using the 
lattice-tool. The mesh contains word level time mark and scores. The 
command I used is "lattice-tool -read-mesh -in-lattice mesh" And the 
lattice-tool outputs the following error message:

mesh: line 5: invalid word info
error reading mesh

The mesh file was generated using the "nbest-lattice" tool. So I guess 
the format should be correct. Then the question is can lattice-tool work 
with mesh file with word level time mark and scores?

Another question I want to ask is how can I convert nbest hypotheses 
into a word lattice with time marks, acoustic and LM scores? It seems 
the nbest-lattice tool can only produce a lattice without those word 
level information.

Long Qin

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