[SRILM User List] maxent models using libLBFGS on Mac OSX

Andreas Stolcke stolcke at icsi.berkeley.edu
Wed Mar 6 19:23:42 PST 2013


your information on MacOS building is very helpful!  Thanks.

I just wanted to clarify that the maxent functionality is a contribution 
from Tanel Alumae that was orginally available from his own web site, 
but is now fully integrated into SRILM.  Thanks Tanel!   It is part of 
the current 1.7.1-beta version, and it would be helpful if more people 
could test it on a variety of platforms.


On 3/6/2013 9:45 AM, Charles Wooters wrote:
> If any Mac users out there are interested in building maximum entropy 
> models with the SRILM Toolkit (using the libLBFGS optimization library 
> as described in the 'INSTALL' file), I have written up some 
> instructions about how to compile libLBFGS on the Mac (including the 
> specifics about how to add it in to the SRILM Toolkit compile process.)
> It is a simple process, but it took a little time to figure out, so I 
> thought I'd post this in case it might help someone out.
> You can find the instructions here:
> https://gist.github.com/wooters/5095712
> -Chuck
> ---
> Chuck Wooters
> International Computer Science Institute
> http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu
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