Adding-One smoothing

Luis Fernando D'Haro lfdharo at
Wed Oct 17 01:56:11 PDT 2007

Hello everyone:

I just want to ask if the SRILM toolkit allows the creation a LM using the Lidstone's smoothing technique (i.e. adding-one or adding-delta). I want to compare the results obtained with a proprietary SW that works with this smoothing and the SRILM. I know that this technique is not the best one, but unfortunately we have a small corpus (around 5K sentences) and, at the moment, the performance of the other techniques have not been really good when compared with Lidstone's (at least using this SW). 

BTW: In our SW we use deleted interpolation, I know that SRILM just accept Backoff models. In a previous email in the user´s list, I saw an explanation about how to use it, but it was not totally clear for me. Could you (prof. Stolcke) expand a little more the example you wrote? Or if anyone has experience with that to explain me it again? 

Thanks in advance.


Luis Fernando D'Haro

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